
We believe strongly in the power of learning. The pursuit of knowledge is as fundamentally human as drinking water. Yet, so many businesses create cultures of stagnation by not investing in leadership training programs.

The Beacon Group has spent decades advocating for organizations to embrace a more open and long-term approach to learning. Companies that invest in training will be fundamentally more effective, agile and successful – this is not a new nor controversial idea. To make it as easy and cost-effective as possible, we have built a complete curriculum of online leadership development courses.

Benefits & Highlights

We understand that every organization has a bottom line. That is why we have developed a curriculum of online leadership development courses that combines best in class learning and development with a smaller price tag. Our online leadership training is:


Comprising of what we have identified as the 16 key leadership capabilities for supervisors, managers, and leaders alike.


By removing much of the cost of traditional in-person training workshops, we can offer high- quality learning at a fraction of the price.


Our multimedia courses are broken into micro-lessons, allowing learners to explore and digest the material at their own pace, across devices


Branded learning portals, tailored administration, and customized curricula allows us to meet your organization’s specific needs.

Leadership Training Courses

Our Leadership Training curriculum is comprised of 16 courses, organized into 4 thematic suites. Each course, building upon the previous, explores the most contemporary thoughts, ideas and concepts on one of our self-identified 16 key leadership competencies. Establishing a high level of competency among your people leaders in all of these areas will be key to achieving peak organizational effectiveness.


Employees have always expected a great deal from their managers and supervisors. As the world grows increasingly uncertain and the workplace of the future continues to evolve, that bar of expectation only continues to rise. The journey of leadership growth and development begins with every leader having an accurate awareness of who they are, how they function, how they are perceived and what they can do to better connect with people and improve their overall effectiveness. This suite is the foundation for excellence and the starting point for any leadership development journey.

Understanding People

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Behavioural research tells us the most effective leaders are those who understand how both they themselves and others tick, so they can develop strategies to meet the dynamic demands of their work environment.

This Course Helps people examine their own personal behavioural style and discover how they can best relate to and connect with others in order to deepen personal relationships and ensure more consistently favourable outcomes.

Communication Styles

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People listen, talk and understand things in different ways and while there is no right or wrong, there are ways which are more effective than others when two or more people want to be understood.

This Course Teaches people how to adjust their communication style to both the person and the context and apply a practical series of tools, tips and techniques to increase their impact and influence.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

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Organizations all over the world are learning that improved interpersonal skills, including Emotional Intelligence (or EQ), can have a significant positive effect on the bottom line.

This Course Introduces both the theory and the practical application of how to build stronger, more meaningful connections in the workplace and how to use those skills to ensure you are effective in managing and leading people.

Pathway to Leadership

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Growing as a leader is a personal journey and the road is rarely straight. There will inevitably be setbacks and disappointments along the way and great leaders know how to learn from both success and failure.

This Course Ensures aspiring leaders understand the path and the various steps and stages along the way so they can adjust and grow, while deepening their leadership competencies in several very specific key areas.

Guiding Others

In today’s workplace, a command and control leadership style just does not work. The workplace has evolved and people are less willing than ever before to put their blind faith in the hands of someone else. The power today resides in the ability of people leaders to manage diverse populations and guide everyone to the same destination. This Suite is aimed at helping managers and supervisors develop the required toolkit to succeed as people leaders.

Goals & Objectives

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Developing crystal clear, meaningful Goals, Objectives and Key Result Indicators at both the individual and team level is never an easy task. Using them, on an organizational level, to ensure everyone is aligned and accountable for their part of the overall performance plan is even more difficult.

This Course Shows how to establish the most important priorities with precision and clarity, ensuring the right tasks are assigned to the right people in order to achieve the right outcomes.

Crucial Conversations

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All people leaders will reach a point where they need to have a difficult, open, honest, candid conversation with one or more of their employees. It’s not something anyone looks forward to, but the choices are to ignore it all together, handle it poorly or choose to handle it well.

This Course Aims to ensure these types of conversations are rooted in a process and a set of conversational skills that produces a positive, constructive outcome, no matter how tough or uncomfortable the process may be.

Coaching & Feedback

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With the rise of what is called “distributed leadership” where more people have more responsibility, the role of the people leaders is to ensure those around them get the feedback and support they need to maximize both their performance and their potential.

This Course Supports people leaders in honing their ability to provide high quality, targeted feedback and showcasing the key differentiators that maximize these interactions.

Trust & Credibility

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All great leaders have one thing in common – willing and committed followers. We know that followership is based on a leader’s personal credibility and the level of trust others place in their character, judgement and actions.

This Course Explains how credibility is established and maintained in the workplace and how it is the “currency” required to help guide people and teams to ever higher levels of contribution.

Performing Together

In a workplace setting, the best results are produced when groups of people come together and decide to focus their energy on achieving a common goal. High-performing teams require a high level of discretionary investment and effort by the members, and this places a huge obligation on the manager or team leader to create the conditions under which excellence can occur. This Suite is a primer on how to harness existing potential and develop high-performing teams.

Collaboration & Teamwork

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Truly high-performing organizations require a flexible, balanced leadership style that employs a genuinely collaborative approach. Never have the qualities of collaborative partnership such as truth, trust, transparency, and shared decision making been so critical to success.

This Course Focuses on the most crucial skills and techniques for collaboration and team building, exploring the balance required between individual efforts and the contribution required of others.

Decision Making

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We have all experienced how often both individual and collective performance is seriously and negatively impacted by ineffective decision-making. Improving core decision making skills will yield significantly more successful and productive leaders.

This Course Outlines the step-by-step process of effective decision-making, providing participants with the tools to be able to make good decisions quickly, rather than bad decisions slowly.

Conflict Management

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Whenever any group of people come together there is always the possibility of differences of opinion, style, experience, and point of view.  This is a natural part of the collaborative process, and if managers have the skills to navigate the tensions it can actually lead to even better outcomes.

This Course Demonstrates how constructive tension and the conflict it unleashes can be effectively managed, leading to a positive set of outcomes that can strengthen relationships and deepen understanding.

High-Performing Teams

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Most teams can manage to get the job done, but there is a smaller percentage of teams that discover how to reliably outperform the average. These teams always have a leader who has the ability to weave individual team members together into a team that performs better than the sum of its parts.

This Course Showcases exactly how to build and manage a high-performing team in order to get the best out of each individual team member in a way that best serves the performance of the team as a whole.

Driving Change

It has been said that the only constant in today’s world is change and there is mounting evidence that this has never been more obvious. As a result, managers and leaders need to know how to navigate the change process and do so in the midst of chaos, ambiguity and uncertainty. It is not easy but people do it every day.

This Suite is a playbook for reimagining the future and providing leaders the tools to make that future a reality.

Winning Cultures

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Things in the workplace do not happen in a vacuum, they happen within a certain context or environment. In the modern organization we call that – the culture. Culture matters because it establishes whether people choose to work at their very best or not.

This Course Examines the difference between healthy and unhealthy organizational cultures and what leaders can do to create the “winning conditions” that underpin high performance.

Change Leadership

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Everywhere you look, across all industries and geographies, organizations and their leaders are struggling with the speed of change. The ability to lead in times of change and guide organizational transformation and/or renewal is amongst the most sought after of modern leadership competencies.

This Course Provides a look at different philosophies and theories on transformational change. Participants will learn how to navigate the various stages of the change process, and how to foster ongoing change.

Design Thinking

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Not everyone can be a magical inventor or world class entrepreneur, but we can all learn to think differently about the world around us and the problems we see, including those in the workplace. The ability to think in ways which expand the options and produce new answers to old problems is something we can all master.

This Course Guides participants through the specific steps in the Design Thinking process and helps them understand how to maximize their effectiveness at each stage.

Fostering Innovation

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Understanding how to create and then use the power of innovative, new ideas to enhance internal processes and develop new products is important, but only one part of the equation. Developing concrete, disciplined, ongoing processes of innovation helps boost the effectiveness of your organization.

This Course Reveals how to put the power of imagination into action as a means to drive business results and improve customer satisfaction.


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What is Online Learning?

You have probably seen an increase in the offering of online learning (sometimes referred to as distance learning or remote learning). Ultimately, it is all a means to deliver self-guided training to people over the web. The Beacon Group sees this type of learning as a cost-effective way to provide the modern learner with the knowledge they need in a form they can digest and at a time of their own choosing.

What does The Beacon Group’s Leadership Training curriculum include?

The Beacon Group has identified our definitive list of the sixteen key leadership competencies. We have built an online course for each competency, sorted into four thematic suites, aimed at audiences ranging from the first-time supervisor to the more experienced manager. Our content has been thoughtfully curated to cover the subjects we know matter most as an individual moves through the journey from individual contributor to business unit leader.

How will we decide who should go through the leadership training?

The Beacon Group believes in taking the time to get to know you and your organization, and work alongside you to best define the objectives you wish to achieve. Our courses can be bundled in any collection of ways – from helping you establish a baseline leadership competency across the organization to targeting a specific set of skills for your High Potential cohort. The Beacon Group will work with you to curate the right content for any audience.

How will ongoing support be provided to the participants?

Participants will have access to courses for an extended period of time – so that they can return to the material as need be. Additionally, each course includes a broad set of supplementary resources (books, videos, articles, and other materials) which allow the learner to continue their education and explore a wealth of knowledge and information on the given topic.

Will there be any other support for our people?

Yes – if you want it. Either through individual assessments, team-level surveys, in-person workshops, or real-time virtual debrief sessions – The Beacon Group can facilitate a number of ways to collect additional insight and/or share additional insight and experience to further cement and reinforce the learning.