If you are being very truthful with yourself, would you say it is possible that you could use some refreshed, and very common sense, pointers for setting strategy? Or making critical business decisions? Or solving any of the challenging problems that come your way?
I thought so, and that is why I feel quite sure you will enjoy “Strategy and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. This is a short, but excellent article from McKinsey & Company that offers seven wonderful lessons which each become useful tips that every leader can benefit from.
To put yourself in the best mindset for really internalizing these useful suggestions, however, a quote from the end of the article is worth considering first. The author, Chris Bradley, notes that his mid-life push into motorcycling took him out of his comfort zone. He says, “There is something about becoming a novice again that … builds a great sense of renewal”.
It’s about opening yourself up to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
Life is a journey, and business is too. Enjoy the ride!
To read the full article, you can go to Read More Here